Product news

Monthly report: Top-5 countries of ATMeye.iQ customers in September

More than a month ago, on the 7th of September, BS/2 released an updated version of the ATMeye.iQ video surveillance system that has significantly encouraged the interest in our high-end product from banks and other companies in many countries around the world.

Last month, The U.S. traditionally became a leader in purchasing software licenses: more than 4,000 ATMs in North America are currently equipped with the latest ATMeye.iQ.

Top-5 countries purchasing ATMeye.iQ in September:

1. The United States
2. Nigeria
3. Kazakhstan
4. Greece
5. Belarus

In total, the solution protects about 70 thousand ATMs in 78 countries.

ATMeye.iQ is an innovative video surveillance system for Self-Service Devices (SSDs): ATMs, ATS, payment, and information terminals to prevent fraud and other criminal actions. The system can also significantly improve the efficiency of solving problems when a client forgot to withdraw a card or cash and different disputable situations.

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