IT specialists are deepening their knowledge in the Silicon Valley
From May 24 through June 3, specialists of a group of companies, “Penki kontinentai,” operating in information, telecommunications, and banking technology markets, are visiting the USA’s cradle of information technology, i.e., Silicon Valley.
“Cisco,” “EMC,” “NetApp” and “Vmware” experts in their fields will share their visions in the field of information technology development and IT future, discuss market trends and product innovations.
According to Tomas Okmanas, representative of the group of companies “Penki kontinentai,” meetings with highly experienced IT professionals are a great opportunity to talk face to face to top-level specialists of global companies and get new ideas. “We are pleased with the opportunity to visit Silicon Valley and meet with partners and IT experts. This is a good opportunity to take a closer look at new global trends, visions, and insights of global IT leaders,” explained T. Okmanas.
During the meetings, representatives of “Penki kontinentai” will mainly focus on cloud technologies, cloud-based solutions for remote workstations, and data security.
The second time specialists from Lithuania have visited Silicon Valley in the USA to expand their knowledge. During the last year’s meetings, IT specialists also learned more about new trends and discussed their prospects. More about the last year’s visit