The New ATMeye.iQ 2.0 Version for More Reliable Protection of Self-Service Devices
Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos (BS/2) will soon present the brand new ATMeye.iQ 2.0 version of its popular integrated software and hardware banking solution provides security and protection for self-service devices and reduces fraud and vandalism-related risks. ATMeye.iQ also contributes to resolving conflicts that might occur during the transaction.
ATMeye.iQ provides real-time photo and video coverage of all clients making transactions on self-service devices and all events close to them and sends warnings about suspicious or unlawful actions to relevant bank and security service officers. Recorded photos and videos might be used as evidence in resolving potential disputes between clients and financial institutions.
In comparison with the previous ones, the new ATMeye.iQ 2.0 version has unique functions. In particular, the event pre-recording (i.e., even before the transaction) functionality is expanded to a simultaneous shooting by several video cameras.
The banks’ ever-growing requirements caused the need to switch to the new version, so the developers have migrated to the WildFly platform that meets all modern self-service devices security standards. Also, the use of MS SQL database significantly expands the solution‘s marketing possibilities.
To date, more than 60,000 licenses for the ATMeye.iQ software solution have been sold worldwide.
Penkių kontinentų bankinės technologijos (aka BS/2), which is part of the Penki kontinentai group of companies, has been in the banking IT business for 25 years. The company specializes in banking hardware supplies, specialized banking software development, system integration, and maintenance services. The company‘s solutions and services are available and are distributed in 77 world countries. BS/2 has been the exclusive Diebold Nixdorf partner for two decades already.