Kyryl Vynohradov

Head of Technical Service, Installation and Support Department 

Kyryl provides technical support for software solutions as well as team organization, including developing strategies to improve workflows. 


Kyryl started his career at Penki Kontinentai Group in June 2023 as a technical specialist. In this role, he performed customer support operations and internal projects. Kyryl’s competence, initiative, and desire to improve work processes allowed him to quickly move up the career ladder – in December 2023, he took the position of Head of Department.  

Kyryl believes that the secret of successful work lies in continuous striving for self-improvement. It is important to keep abreast of new technologies and methodologies and to actively learn and apply this knowledge in practice. It is equally important to find a common language with colleagues and clients.  

In his spare time, Kyryl is fond of ornamental gardening. This hobby allows him to relax and regain his strength after intensive work. 

Leadership Approach   

In management, Kyryl adheres to the principle of maximum involvement in the process. He believes it is important to create a working environment in which each employee can learn something new without fear of failure.  

Such qualities as determination and readiness for constant learning are important for success in work. It is important to be ready for change and not be afraid of new challenges.  

I believe that a company can achieve much greater success when every employee feels their importance and opportunities for development.