Jaroslav Pupins

Head of BS/2 Latvia

Jaroslav develops and implements strategies for the growth and development of the company, controls the efficiency of functioning of all departments, and strengthens relationships with partners and clients in Latvia. 


Yaroslav started his career with the company in 2004. Due to his high level of professionalism and responsible attitude to work, he was appointed to the position of service manager. Jaroslav’s leadership qualities and strategic thinking allowed him to eventually take the position of Director of Penki kontinentai Riga, where he continued to develop and strengthen the company’s market position.  

In Jaroslav’s opinion, success in a career is largely determined by a combination of responsibility and commitment. Responsibility allows a person to fulfill his obligations well, while purposefulness directs his efforts toward achieving the set goals.  

In his free time, Yaroslav devotes himself to active sports. He is fond of underwater hunting and diving. Yaroslav also likes skiing. 

Leadership Approach    

Yaroslav is convinced that the successful operation of a company depends to a large extent on its team. He adheres to the principle of equality, believing that each employee is an integral part of the whole. In Yaroslav’s opinion, it is important that each person clearly understands his or her tasks and realizes his or her responsibility to the team and the company.  

An effective manager knows that the team’s strength lies in its stability, experience, and versatility.